Details of asset
Name | GIRL3 |
Asset ID | A15798930888151391216 |
Total supply / Locked status | 100 |
Issue date of MONACARD | 2023-06-21 07:26:00 【1.4 years ago】 |
Issue date of ASSET | 2023-06-21 07:25:14 【1.4 years ago】【3,029,376ブロック】 |
Issuer | Satoshi mona1qxcls0fagg5kmkjc4fxu82gt9qr2fc3mtq8xdp7 |
Tag | girl3 |
Description Detail | girl3 |
Image info | 560 x 800 【71.5 KB】 |
フラグ値 | |
Number of holders / At final confirmation | 1 人 / 【1.6 months ago時点】 |
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mpchain holder list(monacard) GoriFi Tweet |
OnSale Dispenser reload
Price | Number per lot | Number of lots in stock | Buy | Seller address |
1 MONA | 1 | 100 |
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MONA Palette
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mona1qxcls0fagg5kmkjc4fxu82gt9qr2fc3mtq8xdp7 |
Dispenser Historyreload
のべ購入枚数【Number of purchases】 | Average price | Total sales amount |
0【0 times】 | - MONA | 0.00 MONA |
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DEX Historyreload
のべ購入枚数【Number of purchases】 | Average price | Total sales amount |
0【0 times】 | - XMP | 0.00 XMP |
※XMP建ての取引のみ集計計算の対象 |
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Date and time | 発行者アドレス | 追加発行枚数 | Locked | Transfer | reassignable | listed | vendable |
2023-06-21 07:25:14 | + 100 |